Acts of Truth
On the personal planets with Pluto

“Live not by lies”
There’s an old story about a child whose ball rolls into a little hole. When he reaches into the hole to fetch it, he is struck by a pit viper. Miles from the closest hospital, his parents scream for help and an old monk appears. The monk admits to not being a doctor, that all he has is the truth of his story. Panicked, the parents beg him to try anything. So he lays his hand on the boy’s head and tells the truth of his story, which involves not wanting to be a monk, and how he feels he has been living a lie. Once done, a little poison seeps out of the child. The monk motions to the father and says he must do the same to get the rest of the poison out. So, the father lays his hand on his son and tells the truth about how he feels like a fraud; he’s been living up to the family name his whole life, but it’s always been false, it’s always been soul-sucking work. A little more poison seeps out of the boy. Next, it was up to the mother to get the rest of the poison out. So she repeats the process. Her truth was about how much she hated her husband, for the fraud that he was, and how she hated herself for staying with him. And then, miraculously, the rest of the poison seeped out, the boy jumped up, grabbed his ball, and continued to play. The three adults looked at each other, with tears in their eyes, and vowed to live not by lies moving forward. And then, the Sun went down, yet again, on another hard day’s work.
When we speak of lies we have arrived in Pluto country. And when we speak, Mercury is always present. The two have been up to something over the past few weeks. With Mercury’s retrograde, there was a direct pass, a retrograde pass, and soon a final one this Friday to Pluto (Feb 11th; 27 º Capricorn). The goal of the two is always to extract the poison and to attach a few truth feathers to our speech so we can get a little closer to our souls. Truth not only sets us free, it also heals.
Throughout this back n’ forth with Mercury and Pluto, we have seen an escalation of governments and media gaslighting the people, full-on assaults on independent content creators who speak the truth, and the stirrings in the web of lies which may lead to a horrific global conflict. How did we get here? Lies. Secrets and lies. The poisons of coiled serpents who have yet to understand the power of planets, the planet, and, of course, its people.
We can also copy and paste the macro themes into our microbiome. We can ask questions like: How am I lying to myself? To others? Am I gaslighting my partner? Have I withheld information from those I love? Am I leveraging something to get what I want? What is my act of Truth? If we ask these questions honestly, we will always get an honest answer. Acting on it is a whole other matter.
The coming weeks are rife with such poisons. Once Mercury has moved on from Hades, Venus and Mars visit Pluto in early March. Yet, just before then, at the end of this month, we will experience the first Pluto Return for the US (Feb 22nd). The symptoms are already systematic, yet it will be thrilling to see what else will be extracted. The prayer is for more transparency. The hope is the truth. In the end, we can only affect the movements in our own souls. And so, the work is to live not by lies. That is our act of Truth.
May we all remember the magical power of our stories and just how magnificent they can be when told truthfully, with a dash of humor in there for good times.
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